Choose a program that suits you

A1 Course
What you will learn
- A1+ Vokabular: Familie, Essen und Trinken, Wohnen, Körperteile, Kleidung, Wetter usw.
- A1+ Grammatik: Nomen u. Artikeln, Verben u. Präposition, Adjektive u. Adverbien, Nominativ, Akkusativ u. Dativ, Modal Verben, Trennbare u. untrennbare Verben, Reflexive Verben, Personalpronomen, Possessivpronomen usw.
- Satzbildung: Präsens, Perfekt und Präteritum, Imperativ, W Fragen u. ja/nein Fragen, ADUSO, dass, weil u. obwohl Konnektoren usw.
- • Hörverstehen u. Textverstehen: 10+ Übungen, Schreiben: 10+ Briefe
Special focus on
After completing the A1 course, you will be able to read and write German for A1 level. Speaking
basic sentences will not be a problem for you. You will gain the confidence to introduce yourself and
book an appointment in German.
- Course Duration: 7-8 weeks

A2 Course
What you will learn
- A2+ Vokabular: Studium und Arbeit, Gesundheit, Freizeit, Berufe, Reisen u. Verehr usw.
- A2+ Grammatik: Perfekt, Reflexive Verben, Präsenz + Zeitangaben, Possessiv, Präteritum, Präposition, Verben mit Präposition, Verben-Akkusativ & Dativ, Adjektive, Adjektivendungen, Das Verb- werden, Aktiv und Passiv, Konjunktiv II- hätte und würde usw.
- Satzbildung: Nebensätze (weil, obwohl, ob, wenn-dann), deshalb, Relativsätze usw
- Hörverstehen u. Textverstehen: 10+ Übungen, Schreiben: 7+ Briefe
Special focus on
Sentence formation
After completing the A1 course, you will be able to read and write German for A2 level. Speaking
longer sentences will not be a problem for you. You will gain the confidence to have a small
conversation on everyday topics in German
- Course Duration: 7-8 weeks

B1 Course
What you will learn
- B1 vocabulary and grammar and will be able to speak freely on a given topic.
Special focus on
After completing the course your listening, reading and writing skills are surely at B1 level. The proof
to that will be your good to very good marks in Exam.
- Course Duration: 7-8 weeks

B2 Course
What you will learn
- You will increase your vocabulary and grammar by reading longer texts and listening to faster German.
Special focus on
Confidence & Spontaneity
After completing the course your listening, reading and writing skills are surely at B2 level. The proof
to that will be your good to very good marks in Exam.
Schedule and pricing
We welcome students in our program based on their previous knowledge.
Please write us to know about the timing other than these slots.